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L’Heure Joyeuse, which has been active since 1959, is an association recognized as being in the public interest and also the first Moroccan association to be awarded Vigéo’s RSA label, (Social Responsibility of Associations) and this since 2012.


Social and educational integration for the improvement of the living conditions of children and young people in precarious situations, thanks to the Non-formal Education (ENF) and 2nd Chance Schools (E2C) programmes.

E2C : The second chance-new generation school is aimed at a specific population that needs a second chance to reintegrate into professional and/or social school life. This program provides training tailored to the individual needs of each learner, and also encourages active participation by learners in their own learning process.



Strengthening the employability of young people by improving their transversal skills (life and soft skills, communication, computer science…) and supporting successful socio-professional integration and decent employment through the deployment of 2 essential programs:

Vocational Guidance and Integration Unit (COIP) : Innovative scheme created in 2009 based on the functional concept of skills to strengthen the employability of young people and create favourable conditions for a sustainable insertion into the labour market.

Vocational Training (FP) : Programme for the acquisition of technical skills in the key sectors in Morocco.



Provide support and support programs for entrepreneurship to assist project and project idea holders, informal entrepreneurs from the ideation phase through the post-creation follow-up phase through the development of business plans, Financing and support for legal creation.

Project Lab : A program that promotes entrepreneurship, selects project ideas and supports the pre-creation phase of their projects.

Projet Up : Acceleration program for projects in the growth phase, the program offers a set of services to ensure the sustainability and evolution of projects.


Citizen Engagement

Reaffirm and structure the historic and ongoing investment of the Happy Hour in citizen engagement through 3 programs:

Strengthening associations : Aims to strengthen the capacities of the association’s partner associations.

Awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) : It is to raise awareness among the target population of the association about the 17 Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015.

Advocacy : Aims to influence public policies in favor of the problems of Moroccan youth and citizen engagement.



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